This year the Information Policy SIG assembled five panelists to come together and discuss pedagogical practices related to information policy. Kyle Jones, Jenna Kammer, Emil Lawrence, John Burgess, and Philip Doty all took turns describing examples of actual learning experiences exploring information policy within their classrooms. They then described how these instructional methods were in agreement with their overall pedagogical missions and what the student’s responses were to them. Each presentation was on completely disparate areas of policy but incredibly engaging, and approximately a dozen people watched live and had a stimulating conversation at the end. We expect many more to watch the recorded version, also. Overall, the panel was not only engaging and fun, but gave specific tools to the audience to implement in their own classrooms.
Month: September 2021
Invitation to Lunch with PIE, an Informal Get Together
Beginning next Friday, October 1st, at 2pm EST, the Information policy and Information Ethics SIGs will be meeting monthly to hold a research and teaching discussion group. On every first Friday afternoon, we will have a pre-determined topic to discuss followed by a period for open conversation. It is our intention to do this in order to hold onto the energy that builds from the annual conference and carry it into the rest of the academic year.
Next Friday our topic will be on how LIS faculty is addressing the pandemic in the classroom, as an issue that may affect information policy and bring to light ethical considerations- not as the pandemic has influenced course delivery. We invite all members of the field to attend, regardless of your membership of our SIGs or ALISE.
If you would like to be part of this informal, collegial discussion group, please contact us for the zoom link. We hope to see a lot of you there!
Today! The Information Ethics SIG Presents a Panel at ALISE Annual
Dear ALISE PIE community,
Today, Wednesday, September 22nd from 3:15 to 4:45 EST the Information Ethics SIG will present a participatory session on “(Re)envisioning an Information Ethics/Policy Course for the Future.”
From the abstract:
This session of the ALISE Information Ethics SIG will serve as a focal point for conversations about ethics education for resilience, with a special emphasis on collaboratively developing competency-driven goals, learning objectives, and measurable outcomes. Resilience is a cross and interdisciplinary idea, residing in psychological, educational, sociological, ecological, and economic circles. The more of these perspectives are represented in a live course planning session, the greater the potential is to create well-rounded, research-grounded, teaching modules for the information ethics curriculum that can lead to sustained efforts.
You can view more about the session at the virtual conference website.
Today! The Information Policy SIG Presents a Panel at ALISE Annual
Dear ALISE PIE community,
Today, Tuesday, September 21st from 1:00 to 2:30 EST the Information Policy SIG will deliver a panel presentation titled, “Pedagogical Practices for Information Policy Instruction.”
From the abstract:
The panelists to come together and discuss pedagogical practices related to information policy. We understand that a strong grasp of information policy is crucial to shaping the next generation of LIS leaders, and this panel will be geared toward the design and application of meaningful curricula toward that end. Specifically, our call for papers will request panelists prepared to discuss their experiences as professors or other teaching faculty in which they describe a singular learning experience, assessment, or object that they used in their class. The ultimate goal of this dynamic, interactive panel is for the attendees to be able to walk away with fresh ideas for implementing new, vetted information policy pedagogical elements in their courses.
You can view more about the session at the virtual conference website.
2021 ALISE Annual Business Meeting
Dear members and prospective members of the Information Policy and Information Ethics Special Interest Groups:
We invite you to attend their combined business meeting on Tuesday, September 14th at 10:00 EST. Current and new SIG members are all welcome. Here is the Zoom information for the business meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 925 9822 2491
Passcode: 2250
In addition, on Tuesday, September 21st from 1:00 to 2:30 EST the Information Policy SIG will deliver a panel presentation titled, “Pedagogical Practices for Information Policy Instruction.” On Wednesday, September 22nd from 3:15 to 4:45 EST the Information Ethics SIG will present “(Re)envisioning an Information Ethics/Policy Course for the Future.” We hope that you will join us for either or both of these engaging sessions.
Margaret Zimmerman, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
School of Information
Florida State University
Kyle Jones, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Informatics and Computing
Indiana University-Indianapolis (IUPUI)