Join us on September 6th

We just had a well-attended August discussion. The next SIG PIE meeting will be this Friday, 6 September at 10am PT / 11am MT / 12pm CT / 1pm ET. We will continue and expand on today’s topic.

Our topic will be: Part 2: Social Media’s Impact on Socio-Cultural Practices. We will share our observations (general and ethical) of community dynamics and discuss how it has impacted our own engagement with social media as academics, students at any level, practitioners, and individuals.

August PIE Meeting

Our next SIG PIE meeting will be Friday, 2 August 10am PT/11 MT/12 CT/1 ET.

Our topic will be: Social media’s impact on socio-cultural practices of ‘taking a stand’ and making it public – ahistorical, ethical, and policy perspectives 

Also: we are still inciting panel members at ALISE 2024 (Titled “What can I know? Where can I go? What can I be?”). If you’re interested, please just email us (Cameron, Jenny, Awa, or Andy) to let us know. 

The previous SIG PIE meeting was on Friday, 5 July 10am PT/11 MT/12 CT/1 ET, with topic: Tuition Sovereignty, Encampments, Divestment, and University ‘money pots’.

June 7 Meeting: OA/OERs – when, if, and beneficial?

Our next SIG PIE meeting will be Friday, 7 June, 10am Pacific/ 11am Mountain/ 12pm Central/ 1pm Eastern. We will discuss PIE issues related to open access and open educational resources, which have broad implications for many disciplines and sectors. Below are some of the prompts:

  • What is/ought to be the future OA/OERs, particularly in the face of “transformative agreements” and associated labour?
  • What are the implications for those seeking tenure/job security?
  • When would it make sense to pursue OA/OERs?
  • What are the implications for knowledge systems which have a right of self-determination, i.e., Indigenous and In-Group knowledge systems, vis-a-vis publishers/platforms? 

In addition, we are planning for the SIG session “What can I know? Where can I go? What can I be?” which has been accepted by the ALISE 2024 conference (Portland, Oregon). The 90-minute session will include two back-to-back panels co-sponsored by the Information Policy and Information Ethics SIGs. Drawing on Habermas’s concepts of ideal speech and public discourse, we will explore critical issues surrounding bodily sovereignty, speech, and intellectual freedom. The first panel on Information Ethics will delve into what is permissible in public and quasi-public spaces, focusing on the intersection of identity, embodiment, and professional ethics. The second panel on Information Policy will examine the impact of laws and policies on public speech and discourse, particularly in libraries and educational spaces. Together, these panels will provide theoretical and practical insights for educators preparing students to navigate and uphold the principles of free and open discourse in a pluralistic society.

Interested in being a panelist? Please contact any of the co-conveners.

Monthly Discussion Continues–Let’s talk about AI in May

SIG PIE had monthly meetings/discussions on Feb 16, March 8, and April 5, on various issues. The theme of the next meeting on May 3rd (Friday), is “AI and Scholarly Writing: have we done this to ourselves?”

Please feel free to bring any resources/readings you think relevant to the topic to share with us. We suggest the following readings:

Come join us! If you have not received the Zoom link through our SIG group emails, please contact our officers.

First Meeting in 2024

We had the first meeting of the new year, on January 19, 2024. The theme of the meeting was “The IFLA-Dubai Affair.” On June 23, 2023, ALISE announced: “The Association for Library and Information Science Education will not be sending its IFLA representative to participate in IFLA WLIC 2024 (which will take place in Dubai), due to strong concerns over UAE’s present issues with human rights, women’s rights, and LGBTQIA+ rights.” Below are some of the statements we discussed:

IFLA & IFLA LGBTQ+ Users SIG Statements

Selected Association Body Statements

PIE Monthly Meeting/Discussion Continues!

We’ve been having monthly discussions on PIE-related topics, issues, articles, and books, normally on the 2nd Friday at noon Central/1 pm ET.

At the first meeting for the Year 2023-24, on Nov 17, 2023, we had a rousing discussion of this short article: Roxanne, Data and Society, 2022.

At the 2nd meeting, to be held on December 8, noon CT/1p ET, on Zoom, we will discuss The Bill of Obligations: The Ten Habits of Good Citizens (ISBN: 978-0525560678) by Richard N. Haass. All members or non-members are welcome. Join us at!