ALISE Co-Signs “Ethics in AI Statement”

The Association recently signed on to an “Ethics in AI Statement” with the Association for Information Science and Technology and the iSchools in the wake of Dr. Timnit Gebru’s firing from Google. The statement follows:

Recent events surrounding Dr. Timnit Gebru, formerly the co-lead of Google’s Ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI) team, have shed light on the importance of unbiased research into the ethical issues surrounding the use of AI and the need for diverse voices to be part of the discussion. As the preeminent global voice of information science and technology research and its implications for practice, the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) is joined by the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) and the iSchools in strongly advocating for rigorous and thorough research into the use of AI to ensure its ethical application in all aspects of society. ASIS&T, ALISE and the iSchools support the work of researchers, such as Timnit Gebru and others, who seek to identify potential flaws and biases in the algorithms used by AI that may disproportionately impact diverse populations. As an association that embraces the diversity of voices contributing to scholarship in the information science and technology field, we encourage continued research into the ethical use of AI and transparency in the dissemination of the results of such research. ASIS&T, ALISE and the iSchools recognize the importance and need for organizations to consider both the positive and negative effects of AI and to find ways to mitigate, if not prevent, the negative impacts of AI while achieving AI’s benefits. Importantly, diverse voices are needed in such discussions.

The permalink for the statement is:–ai–ethics

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